söndag 13 februari 2011

We are in paradise now, so unfortunately this blog is feeling the unavoidable effects of it and not being updated so much! Well that's a reason for you guys to get away finally from reading this blog and all the horrible text in it!

Anyways I am in Bali paradise, where it is 40 degrees even when it rains, the beaches are everywhere and jungle lurks just behind the towns of the island! The people are so fantastically relaxed here and smiling all the time! Where else can you get a smile on the street and a sincere hello but here =)

Well laying on perfect beaches, tanning my perfect body, eating gorgeous food and drinking gorgeous drinks or just exploring the island on a motorbike is what to do here!
I find myself doing Yoga next to waterfalls in the afternoons and drinking fresh fruit smoothies under palm trees!
Diving is to die for here, just went snorkeling a couple of days ago and just a 100 metres from the beach you could find the most amazing corals and fish...just 5 metres deep u can dive in with the fish and swim around them until you need to come up for a breath! OMG it is so cool!

Gotta go....paradise awaits!

onsdag 2 februari 2011

More pics

Forbjudna staden Beijing





Mitt husdjur

Cat Ba island Vietnam
Cat ba

Underground mountain hospital in Cat Ba

No explanation

MMM yummy
This is how we travel

And this is how rich you can feel in a communistic country where inflation has collapsed when you go to the ATM

Saigon market

OMG I love the 2$ tart in the background....Asia compressed =)

Crazy Saigon

Pnom Penh

Pnom Penh

YEs Nick is only 23 and as all 23's he had to play with the big toys =)

Look's like someone I once dated haha

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This is what happens when people go crazy...killing fields

Yup about 8000 bodies in these potholes

Says it all doesn't it

On my jungle trek in Cambodia

And the reward was this magnifique view!

Remnants of the glory days

Some alcoholic on a secluded beach in paradise

Siem Reap and Angkor

Bayon, this is the most magnificent complex I have ever seen!!! Look at the size of this shit!

Had lunch here on my jungle trek in Cambodia

And sat next to this killer spider

Not to mention deadly scorpions....yes Jaime was in the real jungle

Very endangered species in the jungle...caught rarely on camera

Don Det Laos.....had some good times

James taking his daily bath =)

Pakse Laos, killer waterfalls falling some 200m down

Coffee plantation.....coffeeholics paradise

Our deluxe bungalow in Vang Vieng