tisdag 11 januari 2011

Entering new territory....

So I finally crossed to border to Laos! How to do it.....in the back of a 1986 Toyota Camry from hell.....is there any other way to do it!?
Well it was me, Emily from Belgium who I met in Ban Lung and travelled with and a quiet but indespensible Polish couple, all of us cramped in the backseat, with the driver, his kid and wife taking up the front seat! Well it must have been quite a sight for the locals seeing us falang drive up to the border and jumping out =)

4000 islands was the premier destination in Laos for me and after another busride and small boat trip over the Mekong I/we (Emily & me) finally reached it! Now god bless my poor raggedy soul after doing 11 cities in 3 weeks in Cambodia, it needed the rest and so it got! Basically the islands consist of a small town centre and then lined up with simple bungalows and restaurants along the Mekong coast! So I checked into King Kong bungalows, which btw is just an indespensible place on the Don Det island! Come back to that later! So I laid in my hammock on my porch through the week, I ate amazing food (banana pancakes with honey and chocolate for breakfest, what do you think of that!), drank loads of smoothies and beers. read books, bicycled around the island and found gorgeous waterfalls! See what you do at the islands is nothing, in a good way, you do not stress, there is no must and the people are so generous and kind it sweeps you off your feet!
I found myself most nights in a multikulti poker table over at my place, playing with an American, 2 Scotts, 3 Finns, 1 Swede and petite moi! It was good times!

Hey I met up with my missing partner in crime, Nick, after a few days alone on the island. It was good to meet again and we had some good times laying in hammocks =) Of course he had to loose his cellphone the day we left the island, realizing it just before stepping on the bus and having to go back while I got on the bus to Pakse! I am sure he found his cell again, he left it by the docks =)

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