söndag 5 december 2010

"I wanna be a billionaire sooo f*****g bad"

Ok heres the thing, if want to know how it feels to be a millionaire go to Vietnam and visit the local ATM!
See you take out amounts in millions, well eh as longs as your not part of the locals hehe (rich bitch tourists) and it gets even funnier when the amount is pushed out in smaller bills, like when petite moi took out 4 million and got 80, 50 000 Dong notes....it feels like a thick book being pushed out of the ATM and no longer can I close my wallet (ok white man problem obviously)! It's even funnier when you consider all these notes are worth just a sad 1500kr......

Ok now to Mui Ne!
Yes in sunburn paradise we have lazed us for the past week, getting severely burned (naturally), severely drunk (obviously) and severely relaxed (finally) =)
Laying on the 5km beach in the heat, swimming and hitting the waves, eating fresh squid in all sorts and drinking looooovely Bia Saigon for 3kr!!!!
Scooting on motorbikes 90-100km/h (way too fast) and climbing on red sand dunes! Yeah they have these sand dunes here, they come in red and white/yellow, basically like having a small piece of Sahara brought to you in Vietnam (although I have been to Sahara and nothing can beat Big Mama Sahara!).

Found our local, favourite hide out to crash on a daily basis, Joe's, an awesome laid back french colonial building with a touch of Cuba in the floor tiles and green garden surrounding it! Joe's is a laid back bar/restaurant with some great ambience coming from live music every night, friendly staff, great food and the best.....a free home cinema room....oh and I forgot to mention all this is open 24/7 every day!!! Pretty awesome to sip on some ice coffee, have a huge piggy pork sub and just lay and watch a film (they have 1000 to choose from), till the sun goes up =)

If you people ever go to Vietnam, don't miss out on Mui Ne! It is perfect for a few days to cool down (or burn in the sun) and settle mind and soul to Nirvana level =)

Right so this sunburn boy is off to Metropolis Saigon tomorrow (miss the buzz), unfortunately dumping my ever so lovely compadre Monsieur Nick (just a few days), who is still doing some surf!
Getting a tattoo there, checked out 2 places.......I wanna feel the exquisite pain of the needle ahahahaahah

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