torsdag 23 december 2010

People come, people go!

Along this somewhat epic journey one truly encounters some lovely and generous people, who show really the best sides of humanity you wouldn't necessarily expect at home.
Some may stretch it as far even as opening a small gateway to their heart and revealing burdens or experiences in life, for the bliss of someone listening for the next 15min and just listening! Sort of Ï share my thought's with you and in return you share your if you wish".
There is something very honest and pure over exchanging life experiences with someone you barely know and end up spending the day or two with. I see it as sort of a quickie therapy session where the heart can rest afterwards.
I've been able to share moment's with some people that will last a lifetime! It so happens quite often that people on travel as well as myself are keen to listening to and meeting with other people and sporadic dinners and drinks will inevitably occur!
There is one person in particular I owe a whole blog to, but will mention here at least, as she really made an impact on me with that something in her personality with the days we spent together.
 Nicola was her name and from New Zealand she is! We met in buzzling Hanoi and had a blast just spending time on travel, sipping coffee and trading life well as general BS!
Departing was quite sad of course, but imagine the joy 2 weeks later crashing into each other on the busy streets of Saigon! Like running into an old friend from years ago. Needless to say we spent the next days together and had a blast again!

More recently I got to knew Maria. Maria is a 50 year old Austrian lady, who never till she revealed it looked or felt a day older than 30! There was a nice click, like the one you'd expect on the lock on the door and we ended up spending 3 days together and even traveling to a remote island together and just laying in hammock and eating fresh sea food and chatting like two fat slags at the pie bakery!
Sadly these short stories  remain just that, short stories and always but too soon come to an end as travel destinations differ. Quite sad when you consider you won't meet these characters again ever, leaving a sweet memory of them on you yet a melancholic state as well. In common they have that they all will be remembered!

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