tisdag 28 december 2010

It must be a trick of the light

Howdy, been awhile since my last post. Have been down in wild west Sihounikville for the past week. Enjoying the good company of Anders and other friends which I met here. Last time I updated was quite awhile ago so I have lots to tell...

Or maybe not. Sihounkville has been wonderful, other than the first night when we had a barfight. But that was all well and good. As thankfully when they took the fight outside the bar the police were right there to break it up. One of the fighters decided to attack one of the police so they decided to give some warning shots in the air. So the answer is no, their was no gunfight in the bar we were in and no, no one got hurt. Very safe when cops are everywhere to make sure everyone is safe (while their taking the bribes).

Other than that it is very peaceful here. Anders showed me to Otrus beach which is completly empty. We had the whole beach for ourselves to just relax and enjoy. And to make things even better the water is just crystal clear so it's just to enjoy. Pure bliss.

It has also been quite fun to hang out with Anders and learn a lot of Sihounikville. We met two swedes who were also living down here and we got along like two peas in a pod. They were working at a charity school helping to repaint it pro-bono. It was quite nice to go up there to check it out and to play with all the children.

That is the one thing which I love about cambodia. The children here are the greatest. When I was playing with them or taking photos. All of them were just smiling and having a great time. I haven't seen any kid who looked miserable. Yes, they are quite poor and some are working (which I think is horrible) but they still have these genuine smiles on their face and they haven't forgotten to be just kids. It is easy just to forget everything horrible that has happened when you are with these kids.

Alright, that's enough for now. Have a lot more to tell and once I remember to take my usb with me to the cafe I will upload tons of photos (hopefully).

Next time: Fear and loathing in Cambodia or how I stopped worrying and loved the country

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