tisdag 9 november 2010

Hello sir, theirs a dictator in my soup...

Well alright, after being in China for six days it does get a bit tiring when you have so much you want to blog about. But you can't do a damn thing about it because some people (naming no names) think blogspot is a evil tool to spread lies about your fine country... but enough about James (budumdum tish). It's been an awesome time we've had. Our first nights we met up with some other mates to spend some time with.

Well I'll run by what we've done the past few days so everyone can get a gist of things. Our hostel was a quaint place which had the hardest mattresses I've ever been on. there we shared a room with a German (David) and an australian (Milan). We've been exploring the sites and been acting like a real tourist and saw the sites which everyone has to see (I hate tourist groups so much). Milan also was aquainted with a local (Frankie) from Nanjing (about a thirty minutes away from Beijing) who was up in beijing for awhile, so we hung out with him one day and learned about the hutong district and the what nots.

We learned that Beijings nightlife isn't what it's cracked up to be. There is only two streets for all of beijing (not big ones) where everyone goes to party. The thing is... No one goes out to party. The first time we tried (Me, James and Milan) we winded up in a dead area where the only people who were out were the "indrivaren". We wound  in a dead bar where a girl came up and asked us if we wanted a "wife for a night" (I think James already wrote something about this already). For those curious out there (I'm looking at you Maria and Jean-Marie or might as well say the whole front desk) no I did not need one, I had James (buddum tish, I'm killing them here).

Now we have just arrived in Xian, and having a ball. Our caretaker is this small chinese girl (not in age but in that she is TINY) and is one of the funniest and kindest person we've met. We also finally get the attention we deserve as everyone looks at us wherever we go (my confidence is getting such a boost). A lot of people have been trying to start up a conversation with us, want to take pictures with us or even in one case in a shoe store said we were hot (I think they were referring to me and were just being kind to James, sorry James). Of course they could be just saying this (I deny this thought) because were the only foreigners they met.

Well now we are going for a beer out in Xian and tomorrow we are going to meet up a retired doctor (we met on the train, Xia Fu) and visit the terracota army. Ciao.

P.s. Sorry James, I've kinda a douche to you during the trip(thats who I am) and now I'm taking a piss on you in the blog. I apoligize.

Chinese words of the day:
piou len = beautiful
wo ai ni = I love you
Ji Ji = Penis ( Vajiji is now a whole new meaning Maria)
Bi = cunt

have fun everyone!

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